Students are expected to:

Identify a research question about social economy around Timișoara;
Create a research design;
Develop research tools;
Collect, process and analyse data;
Write a research report;
Disseminate it as a blog article and…
Capture !ATTENTION! on social media. 

Upon completion, students will be competent to:

Construct theory driven conceptual frameworks, in order to engage with real-life problems;
Design an empirical inquiry: ask research questions, operationalize theories, identify an adequate methodology and the data sources;
Develop the research tools they opt for (an interview guide, and observation file, a questionnaire a.o.); 
Implement specific protocols related to field work;
Perform a basic qualitative and/or quantitative analysis: e.g. coding, descriptives, basic inferential statistics;
Use dedicated software in a professional settings (transcription, QDA, network analysis, statistics, citation);
Communicate results to professional and lay audiences.

The exam consists of:

Defending the research design (4 pts)

The blog page: writing, visuals, social media attention (5 pts)

One point is ex oficio.


7 credits (ECTS) = 

3 contact hours per week (course and seminar)

+ 8 hours individual work per week (aprox., throughout the semester)

+ 40 hours to prepare the blog post 

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