Anisia Tamba

Social economy and value orientation: the customers

To what extend the development of the social economy sector in Timisoara is linked to the inclination of customers towards post-materialist values and motivations? The idea is to see if the customers of social enterprises, through their social and economic behavior, are mostly driven by post-materialist, materialist values or both, based on the idea that value orientation explains the engagement of people in social economy, therefore enabling this particular sector.

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Denisa Sarac

Institutional logics in action: a social economy and a cultural hub

What are the logics that guide the activity of the actors within the field of social economy in Timisoara? How are they reflected in advertising?
Are the logics of actors outside the field of social economy (also located in Timisoara) different than those of actors within the field? How are they reflected in advertising?

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